Our Mission

Our Mission

We help our clients identify their business and personal needs.

Astute Back-Office Corporation (ABO) handles all your challenging back-office needs to help individuals, residences and businesses run smoothly and seamlessly.  Feel less stressed and more productive in a more enjoyable work environment.  We will identify, establish and prioritize your goals.  We streamline and establish processes and procedures to increase productivity and boost efficiency with minimal effort. ABO embodies the highest level of professionalism and respect for confidentiality.  As required, we will follow-up to re-evaluate and take corrective actions if needed.  Success is a result of long-term planning and daily action. 

Meet the Partners.

We’ve decided to focus decades of  industry validated professional experience to serve two groups: small to mid-sized businesses (SMB), and individuals organizing their personal and family affairs.

Susan Wong

Document Organization Expert

Susan Wong, with over 30 years’ experience in critical roles in back-office management, advises and assists her clients to organize all pertinent and critical information digitally, streamlines procedures to efficiently manage workflow for easy accessibility.

Her clients consist of small businesses, families, and individuals to coordinate and consolidate information which includes but not limited to the assets/liabilities, medical, and insurance for easy accessibility.

Work is very important, and she strives to achieve more free time and less stress for her clients.

Mark Silvestri

Digital Records Expert

Mark Silvestri, with over 30 years experience in helping transform business processes for Fortune 50-500 companies and the DoD, advises his clients on the secure management of controlled unclassified information (CUI). Effective business processes produce and store CUI .

Mark spearheads Astute Back-Office’s digital records solutions for SMB and individuals.  His team leverages the scalable information management technology now available for a solution that matches the needs and preferences of SMB and individuals.

Digital transformation is an exciting discipline, and Mark’s skill and passion for transformative solutions is internationally recognized.

Trusted by diverse clients:
Nutridge Farms
TransR Corporation
Lynne Malkoff Promotions

Our Values.

Our values are reflected in our work ethic and validated by our clients.

Customer first
About Us


We dynamically assemble teams to serve our clients.   Do you have specialized skills in our areas of service?  Do you care about satisfied clients? Send us you skills, accomplishments and goals.

Get a personal consultation.

We will take care of your administrative organization and digital record management needs.  For clients with complicated business management needs, we can develop business models to support business strategies and manage uncertainty.